Friday, April 30, 2010

iPad 3G Released Today

AppleToday Apple releases the iPad 3G. The difference between the iPad and the iPad 3G are the 3G version has a cell phone chip in it and can connect to cell networks for internet. The iPad 3G also has GPS. In the US the carrier compatible with the iPad 3G is AT&T. Their pricing plans for data are $14.99 for 250MB usable for 30 days, or $29.99 for unlimited data usable for 30 days. These plans also include the free use of AT&T’s 20,000 Wifi hotspots. If you’re wondering which plan is better for you, check out this article by arstechnica which explains how one plan might work better for you.

- Apple is closing stores from 4-5pm to prepare for the launch.
- Phone calls and text messaging are not supported although VOIP apps like Skype are.
- Preorders over the web should be delivered to your home today.
- No contract: The data plans automatically renew every 30 days but can be canceled with no penalty
- For billing purposes, AT&T will assign you a “fake” mobile number.
- Data usage is tracked on device through Settings>Cellular Data
- When using the 250MB plan you will receive popup notifications when you hit 200MB, 225MB, and 250MB.
- Switching from plan to plan restarts your 30 day plan
… [visit site to read more]

Source: Apple iPhone School

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