Thursday, January 20, 2011

PocketPharmacist - Danike, Inc.

PocketPharmacist artwork PocketPharmacist
Danike, Inc.

Genre: Medical
Price: $0.99
Release Date: August 22, 2010

"Drug Information for the Rest of Us"


-Version 2.0 has been approved by Apple and will be available very soon

-Picked by Apple as "New and Noteworthy".

-Created and designed by a Pharmacist. All data is carefully reviewed and entered by a Pharmacist.

-New drugs added every 2-4 weeks

PocketPharmacist is a useful tool to access pertinent information for the most prescribed medications in the US. It is designed to provide answers to the most common questions patients and professionals want to know. Additional medications can be added on request right from the app. Now you can carry your own Pharmacist with you wherever you go.

What This App Does....

- Laser focuses on the most requested drug information
- Provides links to coupons from the drug manufacturer (for example, you can save up to $600 per year on Nexium)
- Provides links to helpful patient information and also full prescribing information
- Is easy to use by patients and professionals
- Allows you to quickly access the information you want
- Provides easy to understand drug information
- Can be customized to include any requested drug

What This App Doesn't Do...

- Does not contain all the drug information in the known universe
- Force you to read through volumes of information to find what you want
- Provide a data dump for you to sort through
- Use an abundance of medical terminology
- Pay your copay
- Make you younger

Think about asking your local Pharmacist a drug question. Would the Pharmacist read off EVERY piece of information from the FDA? Of course not.

PocketPharmacist is a common man’s guide to prescription drugs in a "just the facts ma'am" format. Its simplicity makes finding the drug information you want nearly effortless. For this reason, PocketPharmacist is the perfect tool for both healthcare professionals and patients.
2010 Danike, Inc.

Source: iTunes Store: Top Paid Apps

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