Friday, December 24, 2010

Pay Off Debt for iPad - Parallel Focus LLC

Pay Off Debt for iPad artwork Pay Off Debt for iPad
Parallel Focus LLC

Genre: Finance
Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 21, 2010

Watch your debt repayment build speed and momentum. Pay Off Debt for iPad helps you organize and monitor your debt snowball plan to keep you on track and motivated, right up to your very last payment, as you eliminate one debt after another. Click “…More” or read on to learn why you should download this app today!

You’ve decided to take control of your debt using the debt snowball method. Your bank credit card has the lowest balance, so you’re starting with that one, plunking down as much extra money as possible on it each month while still making the minimum payments to your other creditors.

It’s so satisfying to watch the balance shrink steadily. The end is in sight and you can’t wait until that debt is cleared and you start paying off the next one faster. You can actually get excited about debt repayment now that you have a planned debt-free date.

Once you’ve reached a zero balance with that first debt, repeat the process to wipe out the next debt, and so on. The payment amounts snowball until all your debt is gone and you can celebrate.

Think about how much faster you’re going to reach debt freedom! With Pay Off Debt for iPad, you’ll have constant access to your progress so you can watch those balances go down.

Pay Off Debt for iPad helps you make positive changes for your future:

* Prioritize debts by organizing the debt snowball in the order of choice
* View progress bars on each debt for motivation and encouragement
* View starting and current balances to monitor progress
* See the estimated time left to pay off each individual debt, your planned monthly payment amounts, and your planned debt-free date
* Compare and contrast how long it would take to pay off all debts if you did NOT use the debt snowball
* Email the snowball information (the list of debts, starting debt amounts, current balances, minimum payment amounts, due dates, and progress made) to up to four different email addresses
* Password protect the app if desired
* Record the payments you've made by tapping the Record Min. Payment button or Record Custom Payment buttons for individual debts, or tap Record All Payments to record them all at once
* For increased flexibility, use the Record Custom Payment button to record a monthly payment amount that's different than the regular minimum payment.
* View payment history and the amounts recorded for interest and principal
* Set the additional amount you have available to be put toward the first debt in your snowball on the Configure Snowball screen. This amount can be changed at any time.
* Change the minimum payment amount on a debt by tapping the debt to edit it
* The current balance for each debt is automatically estimated based on information input by you. (Note that this is ONLY an estimate. To keep exact records, consult your statements and enter the actual current balance manually on the Edit Debts screen.)
* Take taxes and insurance (escrow) into account when adding a Mortgage/HELOC type debt
* Set payment reminders to appear when the app is running, if desired. Once the due date has passed, the reminder will no longer appear
* Select English, French or Spanish
* Select dollars, euros, pounds, yen or a custom currency

What are you waiting for? Watch your debts melt away as the snowball gets bigger. Download Pay Off Debt for iPad now and start your path to financial freedom.

** For support, questions, or ideas please email Note that developers have no way to respond to commenters within iTunes, so if you'd like a response please do email. Tutorials are available at **
Parallel Focus

Source: iTunes Store: Top Grossing iPad Apps

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