Thursday, May 27, 2010

NBC and Time Warner Side with Flash in Apple-Adobe War

Apple’s war against Adobe Flash has hit yet another speed bump, as several major media companies have reportedly told Apple that they are sticking with Flash.

According to the New York Post, NBC Universal, Time Warner, and other media firms have told Apple that they won’t reformat their video libraries in order to make them work on the iPad. Apple has famously banned Flash from the iPad and iPhone for a litany of reasons including stability, security, and a preference for the HTML5 standard.

The ban doesn’t seem to phase executives at NBC Universal, Time Warner, and other media companies, though. Google’s very public embrace of Flash, culminating with its inclusion in Google TV, has emboldened these media companies to resist Steve Jobs’ demands. Why reformat your entire video library (not cheap) when Flash works and already dominates the web?

Media companies and Apple need each other in the end, though. Apple has enormous distribution, thanks to the iTunes store and its popular array of products. Media companies have endless hours of content and provide Apple with a potentially lucrative revenue stream.

Would Apple give up its crusade against Flash to secure the cooperation of media conglomerates? Somehow, we doubt it, but we don’t think this will be the end of the tension between media companies and the world’s most valuable tech company.

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Source: Mashable | The Social Media Guide Apple Feed

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