Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10 Best “Get a Mac” Parodies [VIDEOS]

As Apple’s “Get a Mac” ad campaign comes to a close, it’s the end of an era for a series that not only became Adweek’s “Ad Campaign of the Decade,” but also became part of the public consciousness.

Whether you’re a right clicka, or a MacBook flippa, we think you’ll enjoy our humorous collection of the best spoofs spawned from the four-year ad campaign. Let’s just hope Apple’s next Mac-verts are as ripe with humor as this series was.

We’ve already rounded up the best of the Apple-produced ads and brought you a tribute. Here’s a look at the best parodies and spoofs.

1. Novell “Get a Mac Spoof”

Novell created three spoofs for its BrainShare conference back in 2007 and introduced a third character: The smart, attractive and — gasp! — female LinuxLinuxLinux, to the mix.

2. “South Park Mac vs PC”

Created as the final project for a multimedia production class at California State University Northridge using South Park-ified versions of the ad characters, this amusing spoof has racked up a whopping 15 million YouTubeYouTubeYouTube views. Hit play to see why.

3. Mac Spoof: “OS”

This video from the TrueNuff comedy group is part of a series of sketches on the “Get a Mac” theme, taking a look at the darker side of computer ownership — in this instance, a Mac’s lack of “upgradability.”

4. “I Hate Mac” Ads

Another twist on the original here with some funny animation (Mac: “I’m the cool one, PC’s the dumb one”) in which we learn Macs are better because they’re shinier. Choice quotes include PC’s great line: “Stop looking at me with your stupid face.”

5. “Mac or PC” Rap Music Video

The Pantless Knights do here what they do best — comedic songs — with a musical take on Apple’s ad format. Genius lyrics and a catchy tune make this an instant classic in the ages-old Mac versus PC war. “No fight gets bigga,” apparently.

6. “Hi. I’m a Mac.” Greenpeace Apple Parody

While some of the claims are almost certainly outdated now, it was a clever move for Greenpeace to use Apple’s own ad format to raise awareness of the nasties that go into computer manufacturing.

7. “Apple Mac vs PC” Spoof Ad

NeoFight also created a mini-series of “Get a Mac” parodies with this installment highlighting PC’s stronger productivity skills and gaming abilities. Well, it was made in 2006.

8. PC vs Mac — “Money”

PC comes out on top in this spoof which sees Mac as a hip but dumb guy who can be easily fooled by a little bit of spreadsheet manipulation.

9. “Mac Vs PC Overdub”

This super-simple clip uses footage from the original ads and delivers the message that “computers suck” regardless of OS. Maybe they’ve got a point…

10. “PC vs Mac Fight”

This doesn’t follow the format of the ads, but it uses the characters, and it’s so funny we thought we could get away with including it. Mac and PC battle away, video game style, with some brilliant OS icon weaponry. It’s worth watching if just for the clever character selection at the start.

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Source: Mashable | The Social Media Guide Apple Feed

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